A community event honouring National Fitness Day, World First Aid Day, and Emergency Services Day is to be hosted by Watford Town Centre BID.
On Saturday 14 September, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Watford Town Centre Wellbeing Day will take place along The Parade. The event will feature a range of exhibitors, and speakers with themes related to first aid, fitness, and mental health. In addition to learning from nearby paramedics, you'll be able to engage in outdoor fitness classes, play mini golf, climb inside a fire engine, and so much more!
Kara Mesiano, Watford Town Centre BID’s manager, said: “We are excited to introduce a brand-new event to our town which focuses on wellbeing and community. Herts Police, Watford Fire Station and Watford paramedics are all fundamental to our local area, and we’re thankful that they will be present at our event to educate locals on the services they provide to our community.”
Monday 9 September is Emergency Services Day, (also referred to as 999 day). 999 Day raises awareness on basic life saving techniques, honours the efforts of emergency services, and encourages responsible use of those services. The day promotes volunteering and career opportunities and will be your chance to support the hardworking NHS and emergency service workers.
This year, Saturday 14 September is World First Aid Day, where over 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide will host celebrations and activities to increase public awareness of the life-saving power of first aid in both everyday and emergency situations.
Wednesday 18 September is National Fitness Day. Every year, millions of people participate in this event, which has the wonderful effect of uniting people via physical activity. The campaign aims to inspire everyone to see the day as but one stop on a much longer journey.
To find more information and the full range of activities and guests visit watfordtowncentre.com